Updates from the past year and a half

April 30, 2024 — 18:55

Oh right, I have a blog. I recently watched someone else navigate this website, and the main blog page is where they went to see what's new.... and found a post from a year and a half ago. As a significant understatement, since December 2022, a lot has happened. Limiting the scope of "what's been happening?" to just my photography, or stuff that's directly relevant to this website, here's an update. Perhaps the next one of these will get posted before another year and a half goes by.


photograping Berlin drag shows

December 30, 2022 — 16:23

In the past couple months, I've photographed some drag shows in Berlin. One that I've been particularly enjoying, is HP Loveshaft's monthly show, Pangaea Cabaret. The performances are an absolute delight. This vibrant creativity is helping me rediscover why I was drawn to photographing live performances in the first place. If you're in Berlin, you can find Pangaea at Crack Bellmer on the third Friday of the month. And you can check out the photos here:


Siren Quingdom - Drag Performances on the Landwehrkanal

November 05, 2021 — 01:29

A couple weekends ago, I photographed a magical afternoon of performances on the water. The event called Siren Quingdom was initiated by Alec M Ballz (Dominique Schwenner), created by the Venus Boys, and included a few special guests. The crowd followed along on the banks of the Landwehrkanal as three themed boats floated along.


Music at Køpi, and more photos in the archive

November 03, 2021 — 00:51

Today I'm sharing some new photos and some older ones. The new photos are of a band that played in front of Køpi & Køpi Platz at the end of the October 9th "United in Anger" demo. This demo marked the anniversary of Liebig 34's eviction and was 6 days before the eviction of Køpi Platz. The full set of these photos is here.


my new/old home on the internet

October 17, 2021 — 02:16

It's been since 2015 since I had a blog on this site, and perhaps longer since I wrote something on it. But, it feels like time to have space online that's mine again, and more than a stale portfolio. So, hello and welcome.