It's been since 2015 since I had a blog on this site, and perhaps longer since I wrote something on it. But, it feels like time to have space online that's mine again, and more than a stale portfolio. So, hello and welcome.

This round of redesigning the site involved writing a Ruby-based static site generator from scratch, after I struggled to find an existing one that does what I want. I wanted something that fit my photo workflow, allows the level of detail I prefer to have in the photo descriptions and credits, and makes it straightforward to update external links when they change. I wanted nothing to do with javascript, no complex server or dynamic stuff to manage, and no tracking at all. If you're reading these words, or browsing through the galleries here, I'll only know if you tell me. My email's on the about page.

In the coming days and weeks, I'll be filling in the photo archive. I might write some posts here along the way, sharing stories of those photos. The newest album to be added is from one of my favorite experience of this summer, Rigaer 94 Hoffest. It was a lovely party on Rigaer Straße, in the most covid-safe crowd I'd enountered for the entire pandemic so far.