Tuntenhaus is a queer house project in Prenzlauerberg, Berlin, and has existed at Kastanienallee 86 since 1990. The house is currently under threat of being sold, which will lead to the displacement of this project and its residents. They are working with the district of Pankow to use the municipal right of first refusal. As of the time I'm writing this (May 15, 2024), the plan has not been finalized or confirmed.
Sign the petition to help save Tuntenhaus! Follow Tuntenhaus on instagram, and join their telegram channel to stay updated.

Update, written on May 29, 2024:
Tuntenhaus stays! Tuntenhaus bleibt! As announced on Instagram the Right of First Refusal (Vorkaufsrecht) will be applied, and the building can stay forever in public hands. Longer article about this can be found on nd: Tuntenhaus gerettet: Bezirk übt Vorkaufsrecht aus. I'm so grateful to get good news about a house project in Berlin. There's been far too much displacement here. I can only hope that this is only the first of a wave of buildings coming into or returning to the public good.

Tuntenhaus, Berlin, Germany

April 14, 2024